Welcome Back From Mr. Cox

Welcome Back to Greenfield Elementary, home of the Wildcats!

We are incredibly excited that our 2018-19 school year is underway.  This year will be filled with amazing opportunities for all of our students.  Engaging our students in meaningful and rigorous work in the classrooms, combined with special events involving after school clubs sets the stage for a successful school year. We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school.  We know a strong partnership with you will make the difference in your child’s education.


We look forward to a very positive and productive year together.  We want to extend a special, yearlong invitation to our families to join us at school activities and events whenever possible.  We value your involvement and support in your child’s education. We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he or she:

  1. Attends school daily, arrives on time and is ready for the day’s learning experiences

  2. Completes all homework assignments given by teachers

  3. Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy

  4. Share school experiences with you

  5. Informs you if the student needs additional support in any area or subject

  6. Knows that you expect your child to succeed in school by following the school-wide expectations

New Staff:

During the 2018-19 school year, we will continue to build  upon and refine our foundation of excellence in education. Our highly qualified professional educators and support personnel are committed in providing our students with academic opportunities that prepare them for the future.  We are excited to add new staff to our elementary. Audrey Owings, 4th grade, Stephanie Bos, 5th grade, Olivia Dobbs, Physical Education, Brielle Breedlove, Counselor and Don Cox, Principal.


Please know that we highly value the communication between students, parents and teachers.   We encourage you to contact us if and when the need arises. We ask you to play an active role in your child’s studies and activities.  The connection between school and home is an essential piece in promoting a higher level of learning. One important piece to improve the communication is the development of our new website.  The website is highly interactive across all grade levels and provides necessary communication for community engagement.

Facility Changes:

If you have had the opportunity to drop off your child at school, you have noticed our new drop off procedures.  I am especially pleased on how this new procedure is working. You will continue to see improvements throughout the year.  A very important reminder, we would like ALL students to exit on the passenger side of vehicles.  This keeps our students from walking in between vehicles.  If it is necessary that a student unloads from the driver’s side, have the student walk IN FRONT of your vehicle, not behind it.  No one watches your child like you do.

Late Arrival--Early Departure--Change of Plans:

Students who arrive late will need to be brought into the building by their parent and signed in before going to class.

The end of the school day is another busy time of the day.  Teachers are wrapping up the day’s activities and taking care of numerous end-of-the-day chores. Please make every effort to let your child’s teacher know of any changes that will affect your child’s schedule for the day by both informing your child and by sending a note to the teacher.  Call the office and let the secretary know when you have sent something important in your child’s bookbag, as the Bookbag monster often eats important notes!  Call prior to 2:00 pm.

Please reserve calling the school after 2:00 with end of the day departure changes for extreme emergency situations.  

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your principal.  Please stop by and say hello. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children.

Greenfield RIV

Elementary Principal

Don Cox